samedi 21 mai 2011


The food LOOKS weird but tastes AMAZING!!! The fish was very tasty!

The food on the first picture comes from this restaurant and instead of having a table, you have a hut and you eat on the floor! It was soooo nice and that was the first time I met the Eco-Guides

SALASAVANH our first guest house. Many cockroaches and spiders but good breakfast! (Pictures of the new guesthouse to come)

Our main transportation mean... TUK TUK

The Mekong!!! On the other side is Thailand. This water is so disgusting that it literally looks like chocolate milk.

There will be more pictures of Savannakhet because I feel these are not very representative. Soon I will also post some anecdotes ;) and picture from the forest and the village!

dimanche 15 mai 2011


Here are some pictures of Vientiane!!!

Our Guesthouse in Vientiane

Our view from the window

Allison and Gen drinking BEERLAO (great beer, the huge bottle costs less than water so about 1$)

This was in the middle of the city!

Vientiane at night!!

jeudi 5 mai 2011

From Montreal to Laos

I feel like like my spinal cord is gone! Thanks to 26 or so hours of flight, I can now feel muscles that I didn't know existed! The heat here is also making me understand the uselessness of makeup!!!

The flight from Montreal to London with Air Canada was crowded but I was lucky enough to have a nice young guy as a neighbor. He would have been an amazing person to talk to since I later learned that he was travelling the world but we were both too busy trying to sleep to have any sort of conversation.

Waiting in Heathrow was long and boring. The airport is extremely fancy and expensive so shopping was not a good option. The only interesting thing I found was to sit beside a "football" team and listenend to them talking with their very POSH accent! I adore this accent it is so sexy!

Thai Airlines treated me very well. The plane was extremely empty! So empty that we all had three seats each and I could sleep most of the time. This was very fortunate because had the plane been full, this 12h flight would have killed me. The food was good though so I am excited to discover this new foooooood!

Finally, I found all my friends for this trip in Bangkok and we hung out and drank cheap Thai beer in the airport pub. It was quite relaxing and the 1hour flight to Vientiane did not seem so bad.

VIENTIANE (or Viangchang) is HOT and SWEATY! Hot hot hot hot hot! I was expecting it but it still hit me hard! I will soon talk about the city and post pictures but for now, we are staying in what is probably the finest hotel here and I am particularly grateful for the great showers and confortable beds. Tonight will be sooooo good.


lundi 2 mai 2011


Hi! I'm Tiffany

I am starting this blog for people to be able to follow my trips around the world.

I'm a vet school student from Canada and I am leaving tomorrow for a trip in collaboration with Veterinarians Without Borders!
Destination: Savannkhet, Laos PDR.
I will be over there from May 3rd to July 27th! Therefore, all posts of the next few months will be dedicated to this adventure!
Please post comments and questions!!!


P-S I'm french so please forgive my english skills and feel free to laugh at my mistakes ;)